- permissible
- допустимый, допускаемый, позволительный; предохранительный
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
permissible — [pɛʀmisibl] adj. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; de permettre, d après permission. ❖ ♦ Didact. Que l on peut autoriser, permettre. || « Aux États Unis, cette dose permissible était, pendant plusieurs années, de 100 microwatts par centimètre carré (…) » (Science… … Encyclopédie Universelle
permissible — permissible, permissive, permitted Permissible is spelt ible and means ‘allowable’, having potential force rather than the actual force conveyed by permitted. Permissive means ‘tolerant or liberal in morals’ as in the phrase the permissive… … Modern English usage
Permissible — Per*mis si*ble, a. That may be permitted; allowable; admissible. {Per*mis si*ble*ness}, n. {Per*mis si*bly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
permissible — I adjective according to law, admissible, allowable, allowed, amenable to law, approvable, approved, authorized, constitutional, empowered, fitting, franchised, granted, lawful, legal, legally sound, legitimate, licensed, licet, licit, licitus,… … Law dictionary
permissible — (adj.) early 15c., from O.Fr. permissibilis (15c.), from M.L. permiss , pp. stem of permittere (see PERMIT (Cf. permit) (v.)) … Etymology dictionary
permissible — [adj] allowable, legal acceptable, admissible, all right, approved, authorized, bearable, endorsed, kosher*, lawful, legalized, legit*, legitimate, licit, okay*, on the up and up*, permitted, proper, sanctioned, tolerable, tolerated, unforbidden … New thesaurus
permissible — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ allowable; permitted. DERIVATIVES permissibility noun … English terms dictionary
permissible — [pər mis′ə bəl] adj. [ME < MFr < ML permissibilis < L permissus, pp. of permittere] that can be permitted; allowable permissibility n. permissibly adv … English World dictionary
permissible — adj. permissible to + inf. (it is not permissible to smoke in the library) * * * [pə mɪsəb(ə)l] permissible to + inf. (it is not permissible to smoke in the library) … Combinatory dictionary
permissible — [[t]pə(r)mɪ̱səb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ: usu v link ADJ If something is permissible, it is considered to be acceptable because it does not break any laws or rules. Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution... He said it was just not… … English dictionary
permissible — permissibility, permissibleness, n. permissibly, adv. /peuhr mis euh beuhl/, adj. that can be permitted; allowable: a permissible amount of sentimentality under the circumstances; Such behavior is not permissible! [1400 50; late ME < ML… … Universalium